Indian officials held fixed solar electric power bidding meeting, let each big power company bids, the last five months in bidding meeting 2.44 rupees (less than 4 cents) per kilowatt-hour of low prices, a record low.
Solar electricity prices plunged, fully is 1/5 of the price 10 years ago, India's energy minister prem Goyal (Piyush Goyal) has alleged that low price is a necessary process of "green energy" in the future.Indeed, that price is already cheaper than coal-fired power plants produce electricity, and coal is the electric power production.
Experts say, too fierce competition of electric power company, make solar electricity prices tumbled, may harm to the development of the industry.
In addition, because of a drop in solar module manufacturing costs, companies reduce the price competition, coupled with excess supply parts of India power that makes the market more chaos, the government and the enterprise began to demand that solar power company are the latest sale power.
Renewable energy advisory agencies Bridge to India at rostov ji (wrestling Rustagi) said: "the solar energy reduction is too big, too fast, it's not good for the overall production industry."
The Indian government plans to produce 100 billion watts in 2022 (MW) solar power, but so far only produce 12.5 billion watts.